Looking to enjoy Free Fire's advanced features of the upcoming latest version of Free Fire App before it's released to the general public? The Free Fire Advance Server is the way to go! Download the Free Fire Advance Server now for Android in 2024 and experience new features, maps, and characters before anyone else. Don't miss out on this opportunity to stay ahead of the game and dominate the competition.

If you are a fresher Free Fire Player, then you may not have a good understanding of the Free Fire Advance Server. So, first of all, let me give you a brief description of the trending Free Fire Game Advance Server.
What is Free Fire Advance Server?
Imagine you're in the market for a new bicycle. You pick out the one you like and ask the mechanic to assemble it for you. Once the mechanic starts putting the bicycle together, they ask you to take it for a test ride before finalizing the handover. During the test ride, if you notice any issues or problems, you can provide feedback to the mechanic and ask them to fix it.
This is similar to how the Free Fire Advance Server works. It allows some randomly selected players to test out new upcoming features and provide feedback to the developers before the official release to the public.
Steps to get 1000 DIamonds in FF Advance Server
- Online Registration(12 May 2024)
- Download APK
(12 May 2024) - Server Open(21 May 2024)
- Play and Report Bug
- Server Close(07 June 2024)
- Get 1000 Diamonds Free(10 June 2024)
What's New on the Free Fire Advance Server?
Team Garena is constantly striving to make the Free Fire game more exciting, user-friendly, and immersive for players. To achieve this, they frequently release new content, themes, weapons, characters, and more through OB updates every two months. With the Free Fire Advanced Server, players can gain access to these new features and functionalities before they are made available to the public. This allows players to test out and provide valuable feedback to the developers, ultimately leading to a better overall gameplay experience for everyone.
Who can Access the FF Advance Server?
The testing process for the Free Fire Advance Server typically begins two weeks prior to the official game release and lasts for one week. During this time, participants are granted access to all upcoming features and are encouraged to provide feedback about any glitches or errors they encounter.
To access the Free Fire Advance Server for testing, players must be selected by the Free Fire Developer team and receive a unique Activation Code. Only those with the code can gain entry to the server and provide valuable feedback to the developers. This selective process ensures that the developers receive feedback from a diverse range of players with different experiences and perspectives, leading to a more comprehensive testing process and a better final product for everyone.
Free Fire OB45 Advance Server May 2024
The Free Fire OB45 update is one of the biggest updates for the game and is set to be released at the end of June. As such, the OB45 Advance Server testing window will open two weeks prior to the official release. Players can expect to gain access to the OB45 update through the Advance Server in the second week of May 2024 (14th May 2024).
For those who are interested in gaining access to the Free Fire Advance Server Activation Code in May 2024, it is recommended that they complete the Free Fire Advance Server Registration process. This will help ensure that they are eligible to receive the Activation Code and gain early access to the latest features and functionalities of the game. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to stay ahead of the game and experience the latest updates before anyone else!
Alert: When the Online Registration for Free Fire Advance Server OB45 May 2024 will begin, you have to follow the below stated procedure to get your Advance Server Activation code:
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How to Free Fire Advance Server Registration Online?
If you want to get your hands on the 16-digit unique FF server activation code, you will need to express your interest by registering online through the official Free Fire website. The registration process usually begins around 5-7 days prior to the launch of the Advance Server, so it’s important to keep an eye out for when the registration opens.
Follow the below steps for the FF Advance Server Registration:
- Visit the Official Free Fire Website i.e ff.garena.com, or click here to open the site in a new tab.
- Choose your preferred login platform, such as Facebook, Google, or any other method you used to create your account.
- Fill in your Email ID and Mobile Number on the Registration form page.
- Click the 'Join Now' button to complete the FF Advance Server Registration Process.
- If your ID is selected for Advanced server access, you will receive the 16-digit unique FF server activation code via email.
- If you need a Working FF Advance Server Activation Code, Follow the post.

This time the Garena team is offering flat 1000 Diomonds under Bug Hunter Rewards (For finding First unknown Bug while playing the game)

Make sure to keep an eye out for the registration period and submit your details on time to increase your chances of getting early access to the latest features of the game through the Free Fire Advance Server.
Also Read:How to Download Free Fire Advance Server Apk?
After receiving an invitation for the Free Fire Advance Server access, you will get an email from the Free Fire Development team that will contain a direct download link for the Advance Server APK. You can simply click on the “Download” button in the email, and the new server APK will be downloaded to your phone.
Once the APK is downloaded, you can install the APK file and activate the game using the unique activation key that was provided to you. By doing so, you’ll gain early access to the latest features and functionalities of the game and can provide feedback to the developers to help improve the game before it’s released to the public. So be sure to keep an eye out for your email invitation and don’t miss out on this exciting opportunity to experience the newest version of Free Fire before anyone else!
Note: The New Advance Server will be available for Download from 21st May 2024 and the server will stay open till 07 June 2024
Click Here to Get FF Activaion CodeDownload Advance ServerDownload Free Fire MAX Apk